Cheap transportation around Cambria

There are many public transportation options if you are on a budget and want to move around Cambria. Some of the options available for people who do not have access to personal cars include:

Morro Bay Dial-a-Ride

This curb to curb transport service can be accessed by anyone looking for public transportation. The fares are very low. Buses plying the fixed route can go an extra mile to pick or drop off a rider before returning to their original route. You should keep time because the buses are always on schedule. To schedule for a ride, you call the provided numbers and make a prior booking.

Ride-on Transportation

This is a popular form of public transportation that goes through Cambria. It plies airports and visitor transportation. They accept card billing, so if you are visiting for a long time, you can

apply for a card that you can use to pay for your trips.

King City Transportation

This is a public transport bus service that transports people to the airport, train stations and designated bus stops. If you are visiting King City, you can check out the schedule to see how to conveniently catch the bus.

Fun ride

This allows for car hire and bus transportation at a low price. It is a preferred choice for tourists who need a mode of transport provided by someone who knows the area, as the drivers are always very knowledgeable about their surrounding.

SLO transit

These buses go to different parts of California, and they are all numbered to go to specific routes. Once you know where you are supposed to be, you can hop into the right bus.

You should know that most public transportation does not drop passengers at their door steps. It is important that you have a map or proper knowledge of where you are so that you do not get lost.